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4 Post(s) Found
Young man gives homeless man on a CTA Red Line train the boots off his own feet.
Like the saying goes with 'shirt off the back', Chicago native Maurice Anderson gave the boots off his feet to a homeless man in need on the train.  Another passenger on the train, Jessica Bell, shared the moment of his act of kindness on Facebook:Jessica Bell added 2 new photos — with Potus Polo at Chicago Transit Authority.January 12 at...[ Read More... ]
Massiah Browne, hero swimmer
Massiah Browne, a 7-year-old boy from Sacramento, California:"I was just playing in the pool and then I saw a boy at the bottom of the pool," Massiah, a second-grade student, told "Good Morning America." "And I went to go get him."Massiah was swimming with relatives at the apartment complex where he lives with his mom and brother. He was in the pool with a 9-year-old relative, Savannah. He...[ Read More... ]
Man scales building to save dangling child
22-year-old Mamoudou Gassama climbed up four floors of the Paris, France apartment building in just seconds to rescue a child dangling from the balcony edge.The real-life spiderman hero, a Malian migrant, was in Paris to watch a footbal match in a local restaurant, and saw the commotion on onlookers at the bottom of the building."I like children, I would have hated to see him getting hurt in...[ Read More... ]
Walter Wilson describes saving a woman from an oncoming train
San Jose great-grandfather Walter Wilson noticed a car had turned right onto the train tracks across Sunnyvale Avenue and had stopped, Thursday evening around 6pm.“I stopped and saw a Prius about 50 feet down the track,” Walter Wilson said.63-year-old Wilson stopped his car, ran down the tracks, and told the elderly woman in the driver's sear to back up.  She tried but got...[ Read More... ]
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