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4 Post(s) Found
Smart dog honks car horn to say hurry up
Waiting for the woman to return to their car at a gas station in Glen Gardner, New Jersey, when the dog sees her returning, the dog then stops honking,Cute and smart dog!Video posted to Facebook and Twitter by Justin Crail.(via ABC, "Impatient dog honks to get owner's attention")
Man rescues woman and dog from sinking car in Louisiana flood
Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Three men drive their boat up to a submerged convertible in the Louisiana deep flood waters, the woman screaming she is drowning.  They work to break the car window, and the car is continuing to sink. Boat passenger David Phung jumps out of the boat and onto her car and into the water, grabbing her and pulling her out of her car.  The woman is distraught over her...[ Read More... ]
Baby & dog
So cute! Sharing is caring!
Donkey Helps Donkey Climb Fence
'DONKEYS HELPING DONKEYS: When a donkey struggles to get over a fence at a non-profit animal protection sanctuary in Italy, he gets a helping hoof. "
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